Sharing and improving open green areas and the environment while seeking collaborating.
our cities and countryside there are a lot of “amazing places”, they are real open air corner of heaven. The internal court of a house in a historic village. The grassy mountain meadow or the hill forest full of unexplored trails. The country estate, the farm, the winery with vineyards and fruit trees. The farm or processing site for the production of craft beers. In this ambient we can do many beautiful things that make us feel good. Take a picnic or a barbecue in an uncrowded mountain meadow. And it is from this, precisely, that the idea is born. Creating a sharing community (digital platform), which on one hand allows owners of a "wonderful place" to be able to make it known, and on the other hand to those who are interested in being able to enjoy it at their own exclusive. And they can have an unique and unrepeatable experiences in the open air. This would allow you to discover and visit numerous private "wonderful places" that, today, are unknown and not accessible.