Virtual Reality for Patient Care
Every day millions of people suffer from anxiety, pain, depression, trauma, and addiction-related disorders. Despite the importance of improving outcomes, the tools needed to treat patients are often inaccessible. Decades of research show that Virtual Reality can play a meaningful role in healthcare, and Limbix aims to make VR applications widely accessible to clinics and patients. Decades of research show that Virtual Reality can play a meaningful role in healthcare, and Limbix aims to make VR applications widely accessible to clinics and patients. Everything you need to provide VR. The Limbix VR Kit is medical grade, wireless, and doesn't require internet. Simply turn it on, and you're in VR. Teleport patients around the world to the scene of an important life event or take them to tranquil nature environments where they can relax. Therapists can gradually expose patients to phobias or sources of distress to increase a patient's anxiety tolerance to distressing situations.