Solvatten is a combined portable water treatment and water heater system for off-grid households.
Millions of primarily women and children walk dozens of miles every day to fetch water and firewood. By helping to reduce the need to use firewood for boiling and heating water will improve daily life in many ways. The Solvatten product is distributed to families with children under 5 years, which is a critical time when children are at their most susceptible to waterborne disease. Solar disinfection is a proven and effective method of treating micro-bio contaminated water but Solvatten makes water safe AND hot — up to 75°C/167°F. Water at this temperature is perfect for a number of household and hygiene purposes such as cooking, hand washing, bathing and domestic cleaning. It is inspiring to see 300.000 beneficiaries improve hygiene and water treatment habits and behavior. Convince and money saved are important keys to changed behavior and better health.