The Drinkable Book
Innovative, cost effective, sustainable solution to developing countries water crisis.
One of the biggest concerning and prevalent issues from the developing world is access to safe and reliable drinking water. In a solution to help educate and encourage safe water drinking practices, the humanitarian organization WaterisLife has developed cost-effective solution. The book has been developed using advanced technologies, where scientists were able to develop a portable purification system through paper. The pages of the book are made from technological advance non-toxic ink paper, coated in silver nanoparticles. The main objective is to decrease the spread of diarrheal diseases and to educate people about how dangerous contaminated water can be. The paper can filter out 99% of harmful bacteria from contaminated water, killing water born diseases such as cholera, E. coli and typhoid. Each individual tear-out can provide someone enough clean water for up to 30 days, and each book can provide four years of clean water.