Lighting can be used to bring light to African when the dusk come.
Most of the houses in Africa lack windows because of the materials used on the houses, hiding bugs and beasts, or other factors. During the daytime, it's hard to make natural light in. In addition, there is no light at night because African have no electricity to use. Thus, I want to design a lamp that can bring African bright. The cost price of DSSC is lower than the past solar battery, and the material and production process are both more environmental friendly then the past. These advantages fit the needs of Lighting. The rest of electricity can also be sold to electricity companies and bring locals extra income. Locals would put kettles on their heads when they get water, and most of these people are female. Therefore, I adopt this kind of lines and simplify them. I am willing to combine the concept and imagination that getting water and electricity are both difficult in Lighting.