Sticking together Project
Helps young people ‘stick’ to work.
It’s in SYC’s DNA to find better ways to support young people in their transition to independent lives. The Sticking Together Project is our innovative approach to youth unemployment. The aim is to create a service that helps young people ‘stick’ to work. Sticking Together is inspired by SYC’s work over the last three years to develop and advocate for its My First Job Initiative. The fifth ‘pillar’ of My First Job is post-placement support and Sticking Together is the design of a modern, never-before-tried approach to supporting young people. SYC is a not-for-profit organisation centred on employment, training and youth services. With a core purpose to positively affect the lives of people in need, last year SYC helped more than 55,100 people in the areas of Home, Wellbeing, Learning and Working.