SPLIT is designed to split multiple pills, fast and ergonomically to avoid physical impairment
The idea to SPLIT got started when the owner of a pharmacy explained that she often had requests for better pill splitting solutions. Often she was explained that caretakers and nurses experienced pain and soreness in their hands and underarms when splitting multiple pills for their patients. Due to only single pill splitting solutions existed, SPLIT was developed over a one-year period. SPLIT works in a simple 4-step process. First the user prepares the bottom by placing the device on a flat surface and taking of the lid. Second, the desired numbers of pills are placed, aligned and finally adjusted with the magnetic slider to the centreline of the bottom. Third, the lid is placed and by a firm push with both hand pushed down. Finally, the pills are split in half and ready for storage. SPLIT aims to reduce injuries caused by pill splitting while reducing time used on this process. Time, which should be used on actual caretaking.