Designing Relationships
A project using design as a tool for improving social relationships for disabled people.
In a 1½-year project, Design School Kolding collaborated with Vejle Municipality and the National Board of Social Services to develop relationships for mentally and physically handicapped residents at the Skansebakken care home in Vejle Municipality. The objective of the project was to provide residents at Skansebakken with more and better relationships with the surrounding community. The project involved inspiring neighbours, family, friends, volunteers – i.e. unpaid players – and equipping them to take responsibility for their fellow citizens, so that their social relationships were not solely the responsibility of the state, represented by the employees of Skansebakken. Designing Relationships has been a great success. Specifically, the residents have developed more relationships, notably in the form of volunteers who take them out to activities and organise activities at the care home. Skansebakken thus becomes part of the community and the community part of Skansebakken.