AGRIBUDDY connects farmers with services and knowledge they need to maximize their success.
AGRIBUDDY was started by Kengo Kitaura, after he saw the needs farmers in developing countries had first hand. Farmers in rural areas have trouble connecting to the information they need among which are expert advice, crop prices, or even weather reports. On the other hand, there is little accurate information about the small landholders in developing countries that make up the majority of the world's farmers. What they grow, their yields, the techniques used, and diseases and pests the crops suffer from are not accurately recorded because of the long informal supply chain that keeps information very local and poorly shared between the different sectors. AGRIBUDDY is looking to bridge the information gap each sector has with the other sectors. Since knowledge is only as good as the ability to use that information, AGRIBUDDY is working with the banks in Cambodia to make financial inclusion easier by providing farmers with a credit score and credit needed for their farm.