A combination of Fuel Cookies and Gasifying Stoves as an affordable cooking energy solution.
Dazin is not just another humanitarian project - it´s a social business which model is designed to grow big on less cost and furthermore having an huge impact. Not only on the climate by reducing CO2 and deforestation but also for the people involved by improving their lifes in various ways. Health and living conditions will automatically improve by using the gasifying cookstoves and third - the household will reduce the time spend to collect wood with more than 50 %. Dazin provides a combination of Fuel Cookies and Gasifying Stoves as an affordable cooking energy solution. Fuel Cookies are made by compacting forestry wood waste and used in high efficiency smokeless stoves The stoves are designed to light a bulb or charge a phone. This gives the families changing from cooking over open fire to cooking with the gasfying stove further positive options. Changing from open fire to cookstoves reduces emissions with 98%. Time spend for collecting wood is reduced with 50 %.