ALIWEN is a system that make the city intelligent in order to help the citizens during an emergency.
The ALIWEN proyect is the answer to the problems present after a natural disaster and the effects of this on the population: Fear, communications failure, and finally Anomie. ALIWEN is a long term socially sustaintable citizen education program, designed to be an integral part of national culture. This make ALIWEN useful in any type of emergency. The design is based in the Drangon´s fractal, in order to increase or decrease the size of the ALIWEN squares in a modular format. There are three basic formats: Pewün (small), Foike (medium), Pewën (big: full equiped) The ALIWEN system provides or convert public spaces (public squares, for instance), into an intelligent emergency system that facilitate communication through an independent satellite net and allow self-management of the first aid by citizens, through the telescopic emergency modules. The ALIWEN system helps to reduce the duration times of the Response and Recovery stages through information management by the Goverment.