Kit that can be use by the parents of a kid in chemo, to explain the treatment and the side effects
Cancer is an illness that change the life of who is living it, and the people who is surround. Due to this pathology, the routine, habits and customs of the child and the family, are strongly altered. In case of kids, the parents have to explain to them, by themselves, what is happening to their bodies and what are they going to live. This is a hard task to do, because they don't know how to do it and the proper words to use. The main aim of this project is to ensure the kid's emotional well-being, to improve his experience and also to prepare him, so that he can face, in a better way, the process he is about to live. Chemonkey, works as a tool for explaining, by an optimistic way, using a monkey who already live the process and explain what happen during this time, they name their own monkey and get a new partner who will be partner that will be with them all this time, it uses the correct words, so they can understand the treatment and the side effects, before they happen.