CARO Barro
The story of ceramic artisans in valley Jequitinhonha, invaded by huge plantations of eucalyptus.
Caro Barro is the result of a cocreation process between the Belgian LI designer Sep Verboom and the Brazilian artisans of Coqueiro Campo, a village in the Valley of Jequitinhonha, in the north of Minas Gerais. -TRADITION Following centuries of tradition, the woman of the community still produces artisanal ceramics that are completely made out of natural materials. Caro barro tells the story of the valley, and the way in which huge plantations of eucalyptus invaded in the lives of the artisans. Not only the companies bought all the land from the local people for low prices, but because the eucalyptus trees take all of the water from the ground, the nature of the valley is irreversibly damaged. That's why the ceramics today are an even more important source of income for the people of Coqueiro Campo. Luckily one of the few things they can still get from nature, is the clay. Their sweetest, most precious clay.