a self-learning, artificial intelligence feature of our solar home systems
Azuri’s new HomeSmart™ technology is a self-learning, artificial intelligence feature of our solar home systems. While conventional solar home systems work well in sunny conditions, they often shut off early on cloudy days because they run out of power. HomeSmart uses learning technology to monitor both climatic conditions and historical customer usage patterns to ensure a full night of light, even following cloudy days. This is believed to be the first time that such machine-learning approaches have been used in small domestic solar home systems, and marks the next step in intelligent automation. For off-grid customers, solar energy is often the only access households have to electrical power for lighting, phone charging, radio, TV and other essential devices. Without the grid, customers rely solely on the stored power to provide services at night and if that power is insufficient, households are often forced back to solutions such as candles and kerosene lamps.