A business startup that aims to prevent diseases in children, through the power of entrepreneurship
Twenty percent of children living in the Democratic Republic of the Congo don't live to see their fifth birthday because of highly preventable diseases like malnutrition, diarrhea, and malaria. By using an innovative business model co-created by communities in the DRC, Asili is working to change that. A business startup co-created by ARC, USAID international partners, and Congolese families, Asili takes an approach of long-term sustainable development using business principles. It can be thought of as a strip mall with a cluster of businesses in one location, tackling both supply-of and demand-for services. The current business lines include a health clinic, a clean water distribution system, and an agricultural cooperative to help farmers increase their yields and incomes. Services are linked through a monthly membership, which allows members access at reduced prices. The platform is both real and virtual – located in villages and powered by technology.