We recommend reduced hydrogen water in your daily life.
We recommend reduced hydrogen water in your daily life. Family-friendly reduced hydrogen water can be easily produced by this product. The reduced hydrogen water exerts strong antioxidant effect against bad active oxygen that damages cells and DNA. The reduced hydrogen water binds to the active oxygen, which is converted to water and subsequently eliminated from the body. The reduced hydrogen water robustly supports us by directly reducing the active oxygen that causes various diseases. This product is made from pure magnesium. When the product is immersed in water, chemical reaction occurs and hydrogen is produced. Effect of eliminating bad active oxygen in the body can be expected by producing and drinking water containing a high proportion of hydrogen with strong reducing power. In an emergency, it can be used as a magnesium-air fuel cell. This electricity makes LED embedded in Saki keep emitting light for more than one month. It is expected to be available in possible disasters.