Social Solutions
Social Solutions is a game that helps players solve societal challenges through business models
Social Solutions was originally created in 2013 to help university students develop their innovative and entrepreneurial skills. It has since been played in a range of contexts. As a group, players explore a range of possible solutions to a real-life societal challenge through the use of various techniques until they find the one with the most potential, which they then develop into a sustainable business model. Through a combination of game elements and real world insights the game generates insight into creative problem solving. The game is an introduction to all elements in an innovation process and further inspires players to think across disciplines. The players will practice working in groups, building on each others’ ideas and activate their individual knowledge as well as spot the potential in challenges. The game now exists in its 8th iteration and we hope to win the award to create the 9th iteration to reach a younger target audience in schools across the world.