A Child-Friendly Surgery Room
Creating a positive care experience for children during painful medical procedures in the hospital.
In modern pediatrics, painful and stressful procedures are part of daily practice. These are relatively small medical interventions, such as blood sampling/wound dressing, for which no anaesthesia is administered and that take place outside the operating room. These procedures, usually mean a significant burden for sick children, such oncology patients and chronically ill children that need to undergo procedures frequently. However, children’s procedural pain and fear are often underestimated, consequently have to be physically restrained to make the procedure successful. This results in highly negative experiences for children. Current paediatric surgeries are highly medical and frightening for children. The Child-Friendly Surgery Room offers an interactive sedation mask and projections around the hospital bed that respond to the child's breathing. The child can choose the color of the lights, attach an animal onto the mask and choose the theme of the projections.