Emblematic Group
VR creators make content to put people into the news and natural disasters
Virtual reality is one of the fastest-growing media of our time. The rate of development of the various technologies that make it possible is breathtaking, with new advances being announced almost daily. Perhaps the strongest appeal of virtual reality is its promise of delivering brand new experiences. Virtual reality journalist and entrepreneur Nonny de la Peña saw this as an opportunity to create a more immersive, personal approach to news stories with VR technology. That's why Nonny founded the Emblematic Group, a virtual reality media company that creates immersive journalism projects. These projects place the viewer in the middle of the action, so they can experience the story firsthand instead of just reading it or watching someone else talk about it. For example, one such project, called Hunger in LA, places the viewer in a long line at the food bank (See video), as well as a VR simulation of a refugee camp.