Mango Materials
Mango Materials transforms waste methane, into biodegradable plastics.
Mango Materials produces a naturally occurring biopolymer from waste biogas (methane) that are economically competitive with conventional oil-based materials. Once that plastic good is finished with its use, it can be sent to a wastewater treatment plant or landfill to be degraded and turned back into methane. Mango Materials can co-locate with the waste methane producer so limited transport is necessary. By piping the Mango Materials’ plant directly into the waste methane source, transportation costs can be limited. As an environmentally conscious company, we strive to produce a polymer that will replace traditional plastics in everyday goods. The ability to produce a single-use product that will not persist in the environment drives the team every day. Once our biopolymer is used in products and distributed to a wide audience for everyday use, then we will consider our hard work a success. The Mango Materials product can break down in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.