SAFI e-Cooker Bioethanol Stove
SAFI stove reduces CO2, improves health and creates business - in a triple bottom line operation.
More than 70% of African households use firewood and charcoal when cooking their meals, resulting in as much as 600.000 deaths each year in Africa alone. This leads to massive deforestation, increased CO2 output and women spending hours collecting wood in high risk areas. SAFI African concept is a solution to this complex challenge. The highly effective, safe and clean burning SAFI e-cooker is the heart of the SAFI offering, which also includes encouraging local ethanol production from bio waste, building networks to supply bio ethanol to ghettoes as well as remote areas and increasing local trade via franchised kiosks, selling bio ethanol and stoves. For the least well off SAFI offers micro financing. There are numerous benefits for woman and children when converting to Safi e-cooker. Improved health, safe and efficient cooking, as well as cleaner pots and pans. More time is made available for work, for education or to care for children and elderly.