Ti kay là
Ti Kay là is a housing complex for 30 haitian street kids built in Anse-à-Pitres, Haiti.
Between 2014 and 2015, right after graduating, Italian architect Bonaventura Visconti di Modrone was invited to Anse-à-Pitres, a small village in the Sur Este department of Haiti, to build a housing complex for Ayitimoun Yo, an N.G.O. that helps local street children. A meeting with the N.G.O founders fostered the idea of designing an anti-seismic building for the children, that could also serve as a resource (haven) to help them feel welcome and part of a family again. The N.G.O wanted a space that would be easy to control, in which the children could sleep and carry out their daily activities. The children, on the other hand, would need different areas; an indoor space to share with their housemates; a veranda to do their homework and spend time with their close friends; a lateral big open space to share with all the others. This subdivision is important considering the fact that there are children of different age and background.