Locally produced flexible steel frame prescription glasses with 1 dollar material costs.
Worldwide, approximately 150 million people would need a pair of glasses, but can not afford it. They can not learn, can not work and can not provide for their families. The solution: The OneDollarGlasses. They consist of a lightweight, flexible spring steel frame and prefab lenses and can be locally manufactured with simple bending machines. The material costs: approximately 1 US $. The OneDollarGlasses are produced by the local people on a specially designed bending machine. This bending machine is the core of the concept of OneDollarGlasses. It requires no electrical power and is virtually maintenance-free, so it works in every however remote African village. During a 14-day intensive training men and women are trained to work as OneDollarGlasses optician, so that they can start their own business.