Mimi - accessible and attractive hearing solutions
Mimi makes hearing care accessible and attractive by turning your smartphone into a hearing aid.
360 million people suffer of hearing loss and only 1 out of 40, who could benefit from a hearing aid has one due to the burdensome process (5-25hours over 6 months, high prices (average of 1800€ per ear) and the attached stigma. Mimi offers a full solution from easy at home hearing test, which you can take in the comfort and privacy of your home. And then does not leave the you with the bad results shows you the benefits of hearing again by turning your smartphone into a hearing aid. It has all the components microphone, processor and headphones. For those who want the comfort of a wireless solution Mimi offers a direct to consumer solution that can be setup and finetuned via the smartphone. The data can be used to constantly improve the fitting algorithms and the user experience.