EVOLUM evolving
Saving the resources by reusing/recycling waste materials
EVOLUM`s glassware from recycled bottles is an eco-design classic, but the designer`s imagination continuously creates new solutions. The products are hand-made by cutting and polishing glass bottles that are not refilled in Finland. The material comes e.g. from the restaurants in the Helsinki region. The products are decorated by sandblasting and not by environmentally unfriendly acid polishing methods. In manufacturing the original form of the ready–made pieces are utilized instead of melting the glass. Only a few percent of the energy is used that is required to produce corresponding items by hot working technique out of virgin materials. Surplus pieces from a glazier's shop are used for plate glass, alder for the tree parts and products are finished with linseed oil. The designer combines intellect and feelings without making compromises, creates new designs and has successfully created a sustainable design business concept.