A robot designed to collaborate with humans

Today, one of the biggest concerns to employees all over the world is whether or not smart machines (robots) will cause mass unemployment, leaving them without a source of income. But what if the future did not look so bleak? What if the most probable scenario was for robots and humans to work together?

YuMi® is the world’s first truly collaborative robot, able to work side-by-side on the same tasks as humans while still ensuring the safety of those around it. Capable of handling anything from a watch to a tablet PC and with the level of accuracy that could thread a needle, YuMi® will radically change the way we think about assembly automation. It is designed not to hurt people, and its soft padded dual arms and lightweight design contribute to the safety of the robot’s co-workers. If YuMi® senses an unexpected impact, such as a collision with a coworker, it can pause its motion within milliseconds. YuMi® can thus rapidly diagnose changes in its environment and shut down its motion within milliseconds to prevent any injuries.

Lead-through programming means that YuMi® can be taught a process by being physically guided through it, eliminating the need for complex, time-consuming code-based instruction. YuMi® connects to the ‘Internet of Things’, utilizing data-driven analytics to improve the performance, reliability and lifetime of hardware and processes. It has the potential to unlock the vast automation potential in big industries globally.