Kids are curious about things we adults just ignore,” says Chinese designer, Haishan Deng. “For children, things like recycling are interesting because it is everywhere, but they have no chance to see how it works. What if they could not only see it but also make it themselves?”
Recycle Factory works with the same processes as a real recycling plant. It includes a water tank containing the water used in recycling and a reaction container, which shreds the paper into pulp with a rotating blender. The paper pulp can be turned into new items in the working and finishing platform underneath. Recycle Factory also provides molds for starting mass production. Using different types of paper and color, children can design whatever they like.
“Enjoying creating is an important part of play,” says Deng. “Recycle factory is more than that. It gives children the ability to turn waste materials into new items. It improves the experience of play by giving a successful feeling in building new with old.”
“The feeling of success by creating something yourself is an important motive of play. Toy bricks are always welcome by children because they can be used to build new things. Recycle Factory gives children the ability to turn waste materials into new items. It improves the experience of play by giving a successful feeling in building new with old.”
Designed by
Haishan Deng - Guangzhou, China