VR exposure therapy to your smartphone
How does it work?
The oVRcome app is designed to treat phobias using a combination of mindfulness modules and virtual reality exposure therapy. Patients use a virtual reality headset to come face-to-face with their worst fears. The videos – which are filmed in the real world – start off lightly and gradually develop into more anxiety-inducing situations. The participants must record their levels of anxiety before, during and after watching the videos, and can only move on to the next level once their anxiety falls below a certain threshold.
Why is it needed?
18.1% of people suffer from an anxiety disorder such as social anxiety or a phobia and 80% of people suffer in silence and receive no treatment. Tech entrepreneur Adam Hutchinson came up with the app idea in 2020 after discovering there was a treatment gap for anxiety disorders and other mental health problems – just 15-25% of disorders are treated globally in low-middle income countries, while up to 50-65% are treated in high income countries, according to the World Health Organization.
How does it improve life?
Exposure therapy (ET) is currently the undisputed first line of treatment in treating anxiety disorders such as specific phobia, OCD, and Social Anxiety Disorder. Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET) produces significant behavior change in real-life situations. oVRcome is easy to use, safe and developed based on scientific evidence with clinical psychologists.