Powering the planet, without costing the Earth
How does it work?
Mantlepower Geothermal is developing and prospecting geothermal fields. The geothermal fields are all high enthalpy energy rich fields of either DeepGeo or MagmaGeo type. We are also constantly looking for acquisition opportunities: specifically operational plants, or developed geothermal wells. Acquisition Mantlepower is interested in acquiring plants that we can transform from low- or mid-enthalpy fields to high enthalpy fieds. They are currently planning to build 126.14 TWh of geothermal plants in the following markets; Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, New Zealand, Sweden, Tanzania & United Kingdom.
Why is it needed?
The number of countries announcing pledges to achieve net zero emissions over the coming decades continues to grow. But the pledges by governments to date – even if fully achieved – fall well short of what is required to bring global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions to net zero by 2050 and give the world an even chance of limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5 °C. This special report is the world’s first comprehensive study of how to transition to a net zero energy system by 2050 while ensuring stable and affordable energy supplies, providing universal energy access, and enabling robust economic growth. It sets out a cost-effective and economically productive pathway, resulting in a clean, dynamic and resilient energy economy dominated by renewables like solar and wind instead of fossil fuels.
How does it improve life?
Mantlepower’s analysts have prospected more than 100 sustainable geothermal fields and have selected the 15 best targets, based on geophysical data, local electricity market, democratic stability, and investment climate. Geothermal energy icons created by smalllikeart - Flaticon Building Plants We develop and build large-scale state-of-the-art high enthalpy geothermal plants for our own geothermal fields. These are plant-wide closed loop installations, ensuring the net-zero release of CO2. All plants are built to produce load-balancing electricity, process heating & hydrogen, optimising efficiency. Green energy icons created by Freepik - Flaticon Supplying Energy Our stated goal is to build sufficient geothermal plant capacity worldwide, in electricity, process heating and hydrogen, to reduce the current global output of CO2 by 10%.