Force of Nature
Mobilising climate leaders
How does it work?
Their global youth perspective supports businesses to be the leaders in climate and sustainability, by shifting mindsets in the room; and gaining direct access to those historically left out of it. Their student programmes, curriculum support and teacher resources help sustainability educators foster the next generation of leaders: responding to their students’ emotional needs, helping them mobilise mindsets for action, and increasing their impact as change-makers.
Why is it needed?
70% of young people we've spoken to feel hopeless in the face of the climate crisis; only 26% of us know how to meaningfully contribute to solving the climate crisis. Becoming a Force of Nature is a 3-part programme created by young people, for young people. It's designed to help you turn eco-anxiety into agency; discover your power; and realise your potential to catalyse change in the world.
How does it improve life?
There's a saying that 'when a butterfly flaps its wings, it creates a hurricane on the other side of the world'. In the face of the climate crisis, each of us has the power to disrupt the status quo: which starts with sparking change within ourselves. Force of Nature is the next generation of climate leaders. They are mobilising mindsets for climate action: empowering others like us to turn our anger, anxiety and despair, into feelings of agency, community and vision.