Avanto – Infrared heated diving suit system with wireless power transfer.
Avanto diving suit system enables safer and more comfortable diving experience in cold-waters.
The Avanto diving suit system consists of three separate pieces of clothing and a wireless battery module. The wireless battery module, acting as a dive weight, provides bi-directional wireless power from outside the suit to integrated far infrared radiation elements inside the mid-layer. The suit was designed so that the heating components and wiring will not interfere the user or affect the comfort of the suit. The power is transferred wirelessly through the suit from batteries that are located on the diver’s belt. This is achieved utilizing a new bi-directional component developed at Aalto University. Recharging is accomplished by placing the unit on top of a charger surface. Traditionally clothing for cold water diving have been created mainly with functionality in mind, the visual outlook has not been a priority and it shows. In the Avanto diving suit system functionality, technology and design have been equally important parts of the product with expertise from different fields.