US farms can feed two billion people, but most soybeans not for man food,Forest becomes meat.
US farms can feed two billion people, but most of the grains are not for human food. 95% of soybeans are for animal husbandry. Forest becomes meat. Human beings misuse soybeans. For more meat, the requirement of more acreage and more rainforest cut causes trouble (natural disasters) to the Earth and human beings. We should directly consume soybean and its product, rather than take the soybeans to feed animals and then eat animals. Two thousand one hundred years ago, while Liu An, one of the Eight Huainan Masters, making pills of immortality (drugs of long life) in the mountain, had occasionally let soymilk mixed with gypsum and chemically changed soymilk to tofu. Failed to make pills, but successfully invented tofu. Liu is the inventor of tofu and a lot of regimens of good health. It is said that during his mother’s ill, Liu ground soaked soybeans to soymilk for his mother to drink every day, the disease then gradually improved, and soymilk was also spread to the society until now.