healthy (tap)water for everyone
WATER IS PRECIOUS. Our vision: Free access to healthy water for everyone - worldwide.
Everyone who once had the possibility to drink water directly from the source of a river in the mountains knows it very well: This water and its quality are unforgettable! With our innovations we revitalize tap water by the role model of nature. What does water naturally do in a small river high up in the mountains? It swirls, it jumps over stones and gets vitalized by oxygen. By installing our product "SPRING" directly on your water-tap, you can have the same effect - and YOUR OWN SOURCE! We make it is possible to drink healthy tap water - worldwide. Our innovations ground on vortex technology (Wirbelwasser-Technologie). By establishing a "Nullpunktfeld" (quantum physics) our SPRING makes it possible to drink tap water worldwide (although the water is not chemically "clean"). We'd love to share our innovation with the world! WATER IS PRECIOUS. LIFE IS PRECIOUS. YOUR WATER. YOUR LIFE.