Patagonia products use wool made with environmental & social responsibility to stop desertification.
As more sheep ranchers employ sustainable grazing practices, the grasslands in Patagonia are beginning to regenerate. The more companies who use merino wool from the Patagonia region, the better. Grazing of sheep has been made there for 125 years, and the grazing practices from wetter climates have taken a noticeable toll on the semiarid region’s fragile grassland ecology. Sheep strip the land of the grass they like best, and without groundcover, rain and wind erode the topsoil, leaving behind bare, unproductive patches of cracked earth. But sheep make wool. And the world wants it. Patagonia produces some of the world’s finest merino wool from sheep that are helping to restore the land they graze. By helping to create a market for it, it supports a regenerative economy that doesn’t use the earth’s resources faster than they can be replenished. When you buy one of these merino products, you’re literally helping to restore grasslands and preserve a way of life.