A new way to build different tipologies of furniture using modular pieces without generating waste
How does it work?
Simplex is a line of furniture (room divider, library and bookshelf) that seeks to break with the everyday, bringing to the limit the materials and technologies used for its production. With this we managed to design 3 products that aim to generate a limit intangible with the search for contemporary furniture. the separator of environments achieves a blurring of the environment with a wall invisible achieved with vertically placed rods that do not generate a saturated separation between the two spaces but a privacy that is generated as more objects are placed. The library was designed by searching for the languages body movements that are shown when interacting with a book, thus being able to transmit the gesture to a product which receives the books in an unexpected way, hanging in the vertices of the binding. Finally, the shelf, capable of providing support in a dematerialized that corrupts with the usual of a flat surface.
Why is it needed?
This design responds to the easy repairability and replacement of its parts, the reduced packaging at the time of its distribution, consuming less space and reducing its carbon footprint. Also at the time of production, its design allows it to be zero waste.
How does it improve life?
The design demonstrates how sustainable design can be a new way of encompassing everyday objects, and can begin to reduce fossil-derived products. This is important to preserve the future of the planet, and it is the way in which we as designers can contribute.