Urban Sun
Urban Sun is a design that uses far-UVC light to disinfect public spaces.
How does it work?
Urban Sun uses a custom made light source which can reduce aerosol viruses. Unlike other far-UVC light sources, Urban Sun has been engineered not to produce ozone and does not contain mercury. It aims to disinfect the surfaces and air of all bacteria, viruses and spores in seconds and minutes. The light technology employed can also work in day-time, and be brought into compact, indoor areas as well. The concept is based on the independent research from scientists in the US, Japan and the Netherlands, who proved that far-UVC can effectively eliminate up to 99.9 per cent of viruses in the air. The research also showed that though traditional 254nm UV light is harmful, the new far-UVC light with a wavelength of 222 nanometers can safely reduce viruses. The technology was originally used in hospitals to reduce the risk of infections during operations.
Why is it needed?
" It is extremely important that we are not scared of the future, but be curious, inquisitive, and experimental. We need to be aware, and practice a planet first approach. Urban Sun hopefully triggers this sense. We need to become architects of our future, and not just its victims. Urban Sun is a symbol of hope, and a concrete proposal of how design and science can create a better, friendlier normal. This is what I hope the installation is able to inculcate. It can be presented in different public spaces where communities thrive, such as schools yards, train stations, museums, as well as cultural festivals such as Burning Man and the Olympics. Urban Sun cannot cure people of the coronavirus. It does aim to provide cleaner and safer public spaces by significantly reducing the presence of coronavirus from the air. It is not a replacement for vaccines or other government regulations, but an addition and an assistance."
How does it improve life?
" I decided to explore the potential of far-UVC after reading about it in Nature, a science journal. We began an enquiry - how could we clean our cities of the coronavirus? I wondered if light could help in establishing a newer normal where public encounters are restored, combating the negative impact that social isolation has spread. Our world suddenly became filled with plastic barriers, warning stickers and social distancing. We just wanted to figure out how to not be so scared and vigilant all the time. This is where the inspiration came in, of our powerful sun that lights up the entire solar system, and supports all life on Earth. We dreamt about an ‘urban sun’, floating above our cities that could help enhance our well-being, shedding light and hope onto these dark times. "