Biotextile packaging and containers that replace conventional plastic from the makeup industry
How does it work?
Moxtle is a sustainable and biodegradable solution without compromising the aesthetics, makeup formula and functionality of beauty products. Because unlike other companies, we create a biotextile packaging and containers in order to offer ecological production and an innovative alternative to replace conventional plastic with totomoxtle, the corn leaf. This is a ancient material from Mexico, that comes from nature and degrades over time without causing deterioration or toxic substances that contaminate the soil. Same function, keeping the products safe and aesthetic just with a different impact.
Why is it needed?
There is an extensive list of materials that are used to create beauty items, almost all these generate an enormous amount of environmental damage because they keep ending up as high-impact solid waste. Finding a sustainable alternative that replaces plastic with a material so similar to it is difficult, but not impossible. Although, attempts have currently been made to replace plastic with less polluting materials and more respectful ones, such as paper and cardboard, these are not exactly good for the environment. For this reason, Moxtle is what the world needs, a future with "0 waste". The environment required more projects like ours, made of biomaterials and awareness, designed to replace industrial products with natural ones that reduce the carbon footprint and degrade over time without causing damage or toxic substances that contaminate the soil. We want the world to end the buy-and-throw mentality, and instead opt for transparent, ethical and honest supply chains.
How does it improve life?
Garbage is considered one of the biggest environmental problems in our society. When we throw away what we consider garbage, we are actually throwing away natural resources. Moxtle could generate a positive environmental impact worldwide in the beauty industry, one of the largest and used by millions of people. This project will not only create awareness among consumers, but will also reduce the amount of garbage produced by cosmetics, reduce the emitters of toxic gases in communities, produce a cleaner environment, compostable and fertile soil and it will improve people plasticized lifestyle for a biodegradable one with less environmental impact. One of the main objectives to be achieved with this design is to collaborate with prestigious and/or sustainable makeup brands so that they acquire sustainable packaging and containers and have a greater reach in the market, especially among users concerned about the environment. It started with us the rest will be history….