Proxi Biotech BACTOVAC
A platform technology that offers superior vaccines to overcome the challenge of resistant bacteria
How does it work?
Proxi Biotech, an early-stage spin-off from the Serum Institute of Denmark, has developed the BACTOVAC platform technology for detoxifying bacterial toxins. BACTOVAC overcomes the main barriers of traditional vaccine-developing technologies that allow new, highly needed vaccines to enter the market and fight multi-resistant bacteria.
Why is it needed?
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the world's most pressing medical problems. More than 700,000 people die each year from infections resistant to antibiotics. By 2050, such infections are expected to kill 10,000,000 people. Proxi Biotech mission is to discover and develop safe and effective vaccines to overcome infectious challenges threatening global public health
How does it improve life?
Proxi Biotech is part of the worldwide fight for proper healthcare by envisioning a world free from infectious diseases.