the most cost-effective and scalable Direct Air Capture solution in the world.
How does it work?
Our Planet Knows BestNaturally occurring minerals - alongside forests, soils, and the ocean - are one of our planet's most vital carbon sinks. Over geological timescales, carbon dioxide in the air and water chemically bind to these minerals and permanently turn to stone. Our technology enhances this natural process, called carbon mineralization, to help minerals absorb CO2 from the ambient air in days, rather than years. By combining the best of engineering and nature, we can offer the most cost-effective and scalable Direct Air Capture solution in the world.
Why is it needed?
Deploying carbon dioxide removal at gigaton-scale is now a requirement if we want to keep global temperature rise below 1.5°C. Our solution is built on the foundations of high-quality carbon removal, with social, economic, environmental, and political impacts in mind.
How does it improve life?
We are removing 1 billion tons of carbon dioxide by 2035, using natural processes to engineer the world's most cost-effective Direct Air Capture solution.