Warka Water - The Rainforest Community
An integrated space for the Pygmy community.
How does it work?
Using material like earth, water, stone, wood, and natural fibers, “the Warka village aspires to transform the landscape of comprehensive human development, utilizing low-cost, sustainable, community-driven, high-impact multi-sector development interventions that are tailored to the village’s specific needs”. An example of how to live with nature, the village encompasses different Warka interventions. It will generate 7 bamboo Warka houses, 2 Warka towers to collect around 40 to 80 liters every day of drinking water from the air, no flushing Warka sanitation systems using composting toilets, a Warka garden to harvest food and a Warka pavilion.
Why is it needed?
Protecting the community is protecting the rainforest, according to Arturo Vittori.
How does it improve life?
Ensuring rural infrastructure, agriculture, health, water, and sanitation, the project, under construction for the past 18 months, seeks to provide essential living services.