Solar-powered water pumps and fishing lights for rural entrepreneurs
How does it work?
Simusolar is focused on creating solar-powered products that have a direct and significant impact on productivity. They offer a solar-powered LED light that is as bright as a kerosene lamp, easier to use, and eliminates fuel costs. They also developed solar-powered pumps that farmers can access and utilize nearby deep or surface waters to irrigate their crops regardless of the timing of the rains and during dry seasons.
Why is it needed?
Agriculture accounts for around 30 per cent of Tanzania’s GDP, and the country’s government is in the process of redirecting the farming sector towards a more sustainable and productive pathway and Simusolar is helping with this transition. Only 3 per cent of Tanzanian farmers currently have access to irrigation technology, and most of them still use diesel pumps. Simusolar’s affordable solar-powered pumps enable farmers to increase their crop yields while using less water and fuel. In addition, the pumps reduce carbon emissions and pollution from diesel generators. Meanwhile, Simusolar’s fishing lights replace the polluting kerosene lamps commonly used by Tanzanian fishermen. The solar-powered LEDs are as bright as a kerosene lamp, work under all weather conditions, and incur no fuel or maintenance costs.
How does it improve life?
On average, each fishing light customer averts 1.6 tons of CO2 and black carbon emissions each year. End users noted the increased income has enabled them to upgrade homes, buy land for farming, open kiosks, pay school fees for children, and to start other businesses. Customers mentioned that their well-being had improved due to more food to eat, the repayment of loans, and disposable income to pay for children’s school fees. 97% of fishers saw their income increase and 0% saw their income decrease. 94% of farmers said their yields had increased. 100% of solar-pump customers said they had experienced an increase in their incomes through increased yields and lack of expenditure on fuel.Customer spend per week on fuel and water pump repayments is, on average, 42% less than their fuel expenditure prior to purchasing a Simusolar pump. 86% of customers said it was the first product they had bought on credit.