AKDN - Aga Khan Development Network
Implements sustainable, long-term programmes to address the many factors contributing to poverty.
How does it work?
In partnership with governments, businesses and civil society organisations, the Network embeds physical and social infrastructure, health and education services, business and finance facilities, habitat and environmental planning, and cultural preservation and revitalisation within the communities it serves.
Why is it needed?
Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) brings together a number of development agencies, institutions and programmes that work primarily in the poorest parts of Asia and Africa. The agencies help those in need to achieve greater self-reliance and improve their quality of life.
How does it improve life?
Over time, people develop their own resources and capacities and, ultimately, self-reliance, notably through the creation of a vibrant and competent civil society – the cornerstone of any healthy and prosperous nation. The Network aims to improve living conditions and opportunities for people regardless of their faith, race, ethnicity, or gender.