Quaise Energy
Unlocking the true power of clean geothermal energy.
How does it work?
Our gyrotron-powered drilling platform vaporizes boreholes through rock and provides access to deep geothermal heat without complex downhole equipment. Based on breakthrough fusion research and well-established drilling practices, we are developing a radical new approach to ultra-deep drilling. First, we use conventional rotary drilling to get to basement rock. Then, we switch to high-power millimeter waves to reach unprecedented depths.
Why is it needed?
The oil and gas industry represents the largest workforce in energy today. Their skills readily transfer to geothermal, harnessing a ready-made green workforce. Geothermal does not require any fuels and does not produce any waste. It’s truly renewable, abundant, and equitable for all, even in the most challenging energy environments. From drilling rigs to power plants, fossil fuel infrastructure dominates the world today. It can all be readily repurposed to rapidly advance a geothermal world of clean energy. Deep geothermal uses less than 1% of the land and materials of other renewables, making it the only option for a sustainable clean energy transition.
How does it improve life?
Geothermal has the power density and scalability of fossil fuels, allowing us to put clean energy on the grid very quickly. To scale geothermal to terawatts we must drill deeper, hotter, and faster than ever before possible. A truly equitable clean energy source, abundantly available near every population and industrial centre on the planet.