BrainBot is an emotional AI-powered personalised wellbeing and mindfulness coach.
How does it work?
BrainBot is an AI affective robot that interacts with users using natural language and human-like facial expressions to make conversations more relatable, engaging and fun. BrainBot provides personalised support for monitoring and improving wellbeing by determining user’s emotional state from their speech, facial expressions and interactions. BrainBot is ready to help anytime, anywhere and on any mobile device. BrainBot and its telemedicine platform are ready to be tested with people with dementia in the UK and India in collaboration with Schizophrenia Research Foundation India and UK Dementia Research Institute to assess its use as an affordable tool for dementia care and remote therapy.
Why is it needed?
BrainBot will help you to be more motivated and productive in life by suggesting different activities specifically tailored to you. BrainBot will encourage you to improve your physical health and social interactions. BrainBot uses scientifically proven methods to improve your overall wellbeing. With BrainBot, you can take care of your wellbeing 24/7 on any mobile device.? BrainBot will encourage you to exercise, meet with family and friends and spend time on activities you enjoy to lead a more fulfilling life. This technology will encourage you, increase your motivation and improve your productivity by providing personalised guidance and suggesting activities based on your interests.
How does it improve life?
BrainBot can improve quality of life among older adults and patients with dementia by detecting episodes of emotional distress such as agitation and autonomously provide timely interventions. BrainBot also includes an interactive robotic telemedicine platform for clinicians to provide remote cognitive engagement therapy to people with dementia.