A Danish life science start-up focusing on alcohol flush
How does it work?
Alcolase develops biotech solutions with the aim of lowering the occurrences of alcohol-related diseases. For example, they're working on an enzyme pill that will disintegrate alcohol in the stomach.
Why is it needed?
Consuming alcohol is a part of celebratory traditions all over the world. But did you know that an estimated 540 million people in Southeast Asia suffer from a genetic disorder that makes them alcohol intolerant? Symptoms of alcohol intolerance, or alcohol flush, are facial flushing, an increased heart rate, dizziness, nausea, and headache. Today, there is no remedy to alcohol flush – Alcolase aims to change that.
How does it improve life?
Alcolase's vision is to change the global alcohol culture and reduce the occurrence of alcohol-related diseases. In July 2021, Alcolase was founded as an ApS, they were part of the excellent InnoFounder Graduate program and have been part of innovation hubs at UCPH and DTU.