OH WOMAN® Easy – The sex education game
Menstruation, sexuality and body are explained in an easy-to-understand way for children and teens.
How does it work?
OH WOMAN® Easy is a wooden game, based on the strategy game Kalaha. Each game of OH WOMAN® Easy contains 40 questions and and the corresponding answers on the topic of periods, sexuality and body – So you can have a good time together and learn something at the same time! The medium of game serves the purpose of having fun together in a relaxed atmosphere. This creates a safe space where (intimate) dialogues about one‘s own body are encouraged. Contents: 48x drops of blood, 40x game cards, 1x instructions, 1x wooden game
Why is it needed?
With the onset of puberty, the body begins to change. During this time everything is new and exciting however if we lack confident knowledge about our own body from the beginning it leads to an increase in insecurity: Ignorance leads to self-doubt, self-doubt to shame, shame to silence and silence to a growing taboo in our society. That‘s where OH WOMAN® comes in: We are convinced that knowledge gives security! We have found that the topic of sexuality and the body is still presented in too complex a way. There is far too little material and thus we continue to exclude a large group of people who also have the right to know: People with reading and learning difficulties, people with disabilities, people with a migration background. We really want to make this knowledge about our bodies, sexuality and menstruation accessible to ALL PEOPLE. That is why the sex ed game OH WOMAN® Easy is available in Easy Language. What is Easy Language? Easy language is easier to read. Texts in Easy L
How does it improve life?
We want to encourage dialogue about one's own body and to break down social taboos and & through early playful education, help ALL people to overcome self-doubt and shame. #LetThePeriodBegin *We are also currently working on the translation into Hindi and to donate it to India where the stigma is even bigger – and the game is the perfect tool. It's low-threshold and shows that the topic is fun – not shameful. , menstruation, knowledge, inclusive design, diverse design