SHIFT Symbol
Jewellery that doubles as a safety device
How does it work?
Inside a SHIFT symbol there is a tiny - d:10mm - bluetooth device with a long lasting battery. It can be put into almost any type of accessory - charm, pendant, earring or bracelet. Everyone will be able to find a symbol they can like and feel beautiful wearing and when it's activated, it calls for backup through the SHIFT app which connects to each bluetooth-enabled piece of jewellery. If a wearer feels unsafe, they can use the jewellery to send an alert which will notify all nearby app users that they require ‘backup’.
Why is it needed?
Sexual violence is ‘serious public health and human rights problem’ according to the Word Health Organisation. It can affect both women and men so solutions require contributions from all members of the society.
How does it improve life?
This solution helps the wearer feel safe while raising awareness of the scale of the problem. The SHIFT is making a community that engages and motivates man and boys to be part of the solution in order to shift the culture and deal with the root cause.