Lightmatter Envise
A general-purpose machine learning accelerator that combines photonics and transistor-based systems
How does it work?
The Envise 4S features 16 Envise Chips in a 4-U server configuration with only 3kW power consumption. 4S is a building block for a rack-scale Envise inference system that can run the largest neural networks developed to date at unprecedented performance — 3 times higher IPS than the Nvidia DGX-A100 with 8 times the IPS/W on BERT-Base SQuAD.
Why is it needed?
You have big (and growing) neural networks, but they’re expensive to deploy and the ballooning environmental footprint is undeniable. The problem - reduce the carbon footprint and operating cost of your datacenter while powering the most advanced neural networks (and the next generation) with a fundamentally new, powerful and efficient computing platform: photonics.
How does it improve life?
Our photonic AI computing platform enables the largest, most powerful neural networks in the world while reducing environmental impact. With Lightmatter’s photonic computing platform, we can save energy and power AI’s rapid growth— without hurting the planet. You can’t increase the power supply to the building, so you either build a new one or find better hardware. We enable your roadmap for bigger, more capable neural network models— increasing product margins and allowing you to deploy new features all while minimizing your environmental footprint.