E/SMART, Piana Technology
A new material - a sustainable replecement for foam.
How does it work?
It is a vertically oriented high-loft nonwoven fabric with incredible properties. It is the aim to eliminate foam from all consumer products. E/SMART increases compressional and thermal resistance, reduce weight, has a superior acoustic performance, is non-toxic, odor free, washable and hygienic. And its moldable to nearly any shape. it can be re-cycled, sanitized and reshaped an infinite mumber of times.
Why is it needed?
It is an invention that gives the planet a chance to recover from climate crises. The US discards 1.3 million tons of foam into landfills every year. Toxic chemicals can leach from foam into our oceans and marine life food chains. The US discards 18 million+ mattresses every year!
How does it improve life?
It is a product that implements circular economy in the consumers daily life. Because it is 100% recoverable at end-of-life. It effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions at over 70% compared to conventionally used polyurethane foam.