A device that assists people during an earthquake and provides valuable information to rescue teams.
How does it work?
Intrace has different electronic components that facilitate the detection of an earthquake and then alert people in real time. If a building collapses, the device has communication modules (LoRa & Wifi) that will immediately send all gathered information to the Rescue Departments, including the number of people present when the event occurred and altitude to identify the location of the device.
Why is it needed?
September 19th is known in Mexico as a tragic day. In 1985 an 8.0 magnitude earthquake struck Mexico City in the early morning. The event caused serious damage to the city and the deaths of at least 5,000 people. On the same day in 2017, another earthquake struck Mexico City and surrounding states. The major cause of death is buildings collapsing, people may get hurt by falling structures or get trapped under rubble.
How does it improve life?
This device assists and guides people to safe zones during an earthquake. It then provides valuable information to the Rescue Department so they can plan a focused rescue strategy without the need of searching blindly for people trapped under rubble, which increases survival possibility.